Tag Archives: fog

In A Fog

Foggy Morning

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I love sunrise. Sunsets are beautiful but there is something about the light of a new day chasing away the darkness of night.

So this morning I woke up at my usual 5:15 and after getting ready for work I headed out the door, looking for the sun starting to peak over the mountains. It was nowhere to be seen. Had the sun deserted us; heading for a planet where its rays could shine through, unfiltered by Earth’s pollution? Nope, the sun was there, doing it’s thing, shining it’s light with all of the brilliance it normally has. I couldn’t see it though, not through any fault of the sun but because of me, or rather where I was; I was in a bank of fog.

This is a perfect analogy of our relationship with God. He is unmoving. He never leaves us. He constantly tries to shine his light into our lives, but sometimes He can’t because of the fog in our lives. While regular fog is of pretty simple composition, the fog in our lives can be much more complicated, with multiple ingredients. The fog in you life can be any distraction that prevents God’s light from fully shining in your life. It can be financial stressors, work demands, relationship problems, or the biggest personal fog creator of all, sin.

A few interesting things I have observed about this fog in our lives is that:

1. You often don’t even realize that it is developing until you are so enveloped in it that you can no longer see God’s light in your life, and start to lose your direction. We all know that feeling when we are driving in a fog so thick that you can barely see the road; it’s scary.

2. Your attempts to illuminate your own path will probably make things worse. When we’re driving in the fog and it gets difficult to see, our first instinct is to make those headlights brighter in order to better light the way. This only serves to further blind us when the light reflects off of the fog. The best way to increase your vision is to get out of the fog.

3. The fog may be difficult to get out of. As I was driving to work this morning I found that as time passed I started seeing clear patches where the sun shone through and the blue sky was visible; then I would take a curve into an area that was beyond the reach of the sun and slip back into the fog. Although there is nowhere that we can go that is beyond the reach of God, he will not force us to stay in his light, we have to do that ourselves.

The good news is that even when we lose sight of Him, God never leaves us. He is always there, shining with all of His glory, just waiting for an opportunity to touch our lives with his light and provide the illumination to guide our way. We just need to clear the fog.

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” ~ ESV

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