Tag Archives: Newsboys

Independence Day

Today our country celebrates its independence on the [tweetmeme source=”@tarheel810” only_single=false http://www.URL.com%5D 234th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Most people will enjoy a day of cookouts, watermelon, ice cream, and fireworks. All of this celebrating will be done in the name of freedom; the personal freedom afforded by our government that was unheard of 234 years ago, and has been frequently copied since.

The freedoms granted to us by the constitution are all-encompassing and lay the foundation for the great nation in which we live, but there is an even greater freedom that many people don’t know. I’m talking about the freedom the comes from Christ.  John 8:36 states it plainly by saying “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free”.  It is only through Christ that we can know true freedom; a freedom that even an individual living in the most oppressed country can know.  The freedom that comes from Christ is a freedom from uncertainty, freedom from fear, freedom from sin, freedom from death.  It is only through a personal relationship with Christ that we can find the true peace and happiness that comes from this freedom.

Just like America’s freedom, this freedom did not come free; there was a heavy price that was paid.  This price was paid by Christ when he died on the cross for all of us.  But Christ was willing to pay that price so that we could all know this real freedom.  It is only through Him that we can ever experience it, and once given it can never be taken away.  If you don’t already know this freedom through Christ you can find out more here and make this your day of independence.  Now that is something to celebrate.

I am free to run
(I am free to run)
I am free to dance
(I am free to dance)
I am free to live for You
(I am free to live for You)
I am free
(I am free)
Yes, I am free
(I am free)

I Am Free by The Newsboys

Written and posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

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